
An Odd Farm by Laura Canós Valero

We have our first entry to the competition by a student in Catalunya!
It is written by Laura Canós Valero from CEIP Mare Nostrum in Barcelona, and it is wonderful!

Don´t be shy! Send us your poem and you could win a complete set of 6 Sentence Search puzzle books!

Happy Sentence Searching!


An Odd Farm

This is my cat

That sleeps on a mat.

His friend is a rat

That enjoys eating nuts.

Sometimes I put him a hat

Because he´s afraid of a bat

That is very fat.

Aren´t they all mad?


Special Contest for Teachers and Students!

We have a special contest for teachers and students. If you would like to win a free set of our sentence search books, go to this site and enter our contest!


Happy sentencesearching!


The Big Sentence Searches Competition!

I´m giving away 3 complete sets of Sentence Searches!

One set includes 6 books of English language learning puzzles for children and 3 puzzle books for adults.

Sentence Searches are a fun and innovative way of improving English vocabulary and learning how to construct sentences.

Sentence Searches are now available to buy online at:



Just look up: Sentence Searches.

You can win a complete set if you enter this competition. All you have to do is write an 8-10 line poem about a person, place or animal. The best 3 answers will receive a pack of Sentence Searches, absolutely free!

Submit your poem by email to info@sentencesearches.com.


Sentence Search Puzzles now available to buy online!

Entretienen, retan, diverten, son interesantes, innovadores, interactivos y !efectivos¡

Van más allá del aprendizaje del vocabulario del inglés.

¡A los niños/as les divierte mucho hacer puzzles! Los puzzles son divertidos, entretenidos y una forma fantástica de practicar el desarrollo de las destrezas tanto en inglés como en su aprendizaje en general.

Los libros dirigidos a adultos también te háran utilizar los conocimientos que ya tienes, e irás desarrollando un mejor entendimiento del functionamiento de la lengua para formar frases, preguntas, párrafos y diálogos.

Para comprar haga click en el siguiente link...


Good news! We have published 6 new books of Sentence Search Puzzles for children, and 3 for adults.

These puzzles are a lot of fun and help you to learn much more than just the vocabulary of the English language! Children will find them an interesting and entertaining way to practice both their language and learning skills.

Adults will use their existing knowledge and develop a better understanding of how words come together to form sentences, questions, paragraphs and dialogues.

You can buy online by clicking on this link…


Sentence Searches are effective and great fun!

Last Thursday I had a language coaching session with a student of mine. My student is an engineer. In one month he will be travelling to the United States for a two week summer holiday. He wants to be able to speak English. We
don´t meet very often for face-to-face classes but we do talk almost every day in English! But more importantly, every day my student does a sentence search puzzle and he is thrilled with his results.

Last week we worked on past tense questions, and in particular the question,

"What did you do yesterday?" We looked at the structure:

" Wh- question word + did (auxilary verb) + subject (noun or pronoun) + verb (infinitive without 'to')

Then we looked at several possible responses:

I went to the beach.
We had a lobster paella in a little restaurant on the beach.
We were with some friends.
We had a wonderful time together.

After our class, I recommended he do the sentence search puzzle, "What did you do yesterday?" as a review practice the next morning.

Well, he did just that and he was so happy with the results. He followed the conversation and found the question and answers easily. But more importantly, he was able to reinforce his understanding of how we make this question and how we use it.

If you would like to have a copy of this puzzle, write me at info@canadianinstitute.com and I will send it to you!

All the best and happy learning!



This blog has been created for all our readers who have fun practicing their English with our sentence search puzzles!

If this is your first time here, you may be asking "What are sentence searches"? Well, let me give you a brief explanation.

"Sentence Searches" are word puzzles. they are very similar to "word soups". There is just one difference! Instead of connecting letters to make words as you do with word soups, with "sentence searches" you must connect words to make sentences or questions. Sounds like fun, doesn´t it?

Sentence Searches are entertaining, challenging, fun, innovative, interactive and most of all EFFECTIVE, if you want to improve your abilty to form sentences in English.

They will help you learn much more than just the vocabulary of the English language! You will use your existing knowledge to develop a better understanding of how words come together to form sentences, questions, paragraphs and dialogues. You will build your understanding of grammatical rules, punctuation and how meaning is constructed in English.

If you are a native speaker, you will find a fun, mind-strengthening puzzle to test your knowledge of people, places, and things!

How do they work? Very easily!
All you have to do is join the words by moving in a straight line from one square to the next. Movements must be either horizontal, vertical or diagonal. You can never go backwards!

Three simple rules to help you complete the puzzle!

1. Remember, every sentence begins with a word with a capital letter. This word is preceded by a number.
2. The ending of the sentence is always indicated by an appropriate punctuation mark.
3. You can use each word only once!

More information
If you would like more information about sentence search puzzles, go to www.theenglishworkout.com and very soon, you will be able to play on-line!

Play on-line soon!
Look for more on-line sentence search puzzles at www.sentencesearches.com.

Subscribe to this blog!

If you would like to purchase our Sentence Search Puzzle Books, contact us at info@canadianinstitute.eu or
call us at 93-216-0651, Barcelona Spain

Tell us what you think! We would love to hear from you!